

 [par″ah-sis´to-le] a cardiac arrhythmia attributed to the interaction of two foci independently initiating cardiac impulses at different rates; it cannot be discharged by impulses of the dominant rhythm but it may be modulated by electrotonic influences. The two independent rhythms coexist but not as a result of atrioventricular block. It is an abnormality of both automaticity and impulse conduction. See also block" >entrance block.


(par'ă-ridh'mē-ă), A cardiac dysrhythmia in which two independent rhythms coexist, but not as a result of A-V block; pararrhythmia thus includes parasystole and A-V dissociation (2), but not complete A-V block. [para- + G. rhythmos, rhythm]


(par'ă-ridh'mē-ă) A cardiac dysrhythmia in which two independent rhythms coexist, but not as a result of atrioventricular block; pararrhythmia thus includes parasystole and atrioventricular dissociation (2), but not complete atrioventricular block. [para- + G. rhythmos, rhythm]