Bayreuth Theater

Bayreuth Theater


(“Festspielhaus”; literally, “House of Festive Entertainments”), German operatic theater in Bayreuth devoted to performing the works of Richard Wagner.

The Bayreuth Theater opened in 1876 with a production of Wagner’s The Ring of the Niebelungs. Since 1882 there have been annual festivals of Wagner’s operas lasting three to four weeks. Conductors who have participated in Bayreuth Theater presentations include H. Richter, F. Mottl, R. Strauss, C. Muck, A. Toscanini, W. Furtwängler, H. Abendroth, H. Knappertsbusch, and H. von Karajan.


Tchaikovsky, P. I. MuzykaVno-kriticheskie stat’i. Moscow, 1953.
Pages 302–28. Puttkamer, A. 50 Jahre Bayreuth. Berlin, 1927.
Internationale Wagner-Bibliographie 1956–1960. Published by H. Barth.
Die Besetzung der Bayreuther Festspiele: 1876–1960. Edited by K. Neupert. Bayreuth, 1961.