parapeted gable

parapeted gable

A gable end-wall that projects above a roof; typical shapes include boltel, fractable, and square. See also: Flemish gable


1. A vertical surface commonly situated at the end of a building, usually adjoining a pitched roof; its shape depends on the type of roof and parapet, although most often it is triangular; often extends from the level of the cornice up to the ridge of the roof. If the gable is on the façade rather than the back end, the building is said to be front-gabled. 2. A similar end that is not triangular in shape; for example, a gambrel end (US). For definitions and illustrations for particular types see bell gable, broken gable, clipped gable, corbie gable, corbiestep gable, cross gable, crowfooted gable, crowstep gable, curvilinear gable, docked gable, Dutch gable, end gable, façade gable, Flemish gable, front-gabled, hanging gable, intersecting gable, multicurved gable, parapet gable, segmental gable, side gable, stepped gable, straight-line gable, truncated gable, tumbled-in gable, wall gable.