

单词 taf
释义 DictionarySeefactor



Abbreviation for tumor angiogenic factor.


A gene on chromosome 4q12 that encodes a member of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP) family which that insulin-like growth factors I and II and circulates in the plasma. IGFBP7 stimulates prostacyclin production and cell adhesion.
Molecular pathology
A variant of IGFBP7 has been associated with retinal arterial macroaneurysm.


Abbreviation for tumor angiogenic factor.


TAFTurkish Armed Forces
TAFTell A Friend
TAFTerminal Area Forecast (aviation/meteorology)
TAFTerm Auction Facility
TAFTenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate (medication)
TAFToshiba America Foundation
TAFTrade Association Forum (UK)
TAFTerminal Aerodrome Forecast
TAFTransport Adaptation Function
TAFTest Automation Framework (various organizations)
TAFTechnical Architecture Framework
TAFTemporal Affinity Service
TAFTouch and Feel
TAFTotal Advanced Functions
TAFTransparent Application Failover
TAFToronto Atmospheric Fund (Canada)
TAFTuition Assistance Fund (various schools)
TAFTrack and Field
TAFTravel Authorization Form
TAFThe Asia Foundation (San Francisco, CA)
TAFTactical Air Force
TAFTowne Air Freight (South Bend, IN)
TAFTaxpayers Against Fraud
TAFThe Addams Family (game, TV show)
TAFTiger Athletic Foundation (Louisiana State University)
TAFThat's All Folks
TAFTurkish Air Force
TAFTrim and Fit (programme)
TAFThousand Acre-Feet
TAFTaiwan Accreditation Foundation
TAFTATA Box Binding Protein Associated Factor
TAFTravail À Faire
TAFTelecommunications Advancement Foundation (est. 1982; Japan)
TAFTumor Angiogenesis Factor
TAFThought-Action Fusion
TAFThe Actuarial Foundation (Schaumburg, IL)
TAFTaiwanese American Foundation
TAFThai Appraisal Foundation (Bangkok, Thailand)
TAFThe Architectural Foundation (Australia)
TAFTracking and Analysis Framework
TAFTerminal Adaptation Function
TAFTerminal Access Facility
TAFTechnology Assessment and Forecast
TAFThe Accident Fund (insurance)
TAFThe Aden Forecast (market newsletter)
TAFTechnologically Advanced Family
TAFThe Africa Fund (Scotland, UK)
TAFTrans-Atlantic Flight
TAFTreno Alta Frequentazione (Italian: High Frequentation Train)
TAFTop of Active Fuel
TAFTotal Abdominal Fat
TAFTango Application File
TAFTraining Analysis and Feedback
TAFTactical Analysis Facility
TAFTime Alignment Flag
TAFTerminal Airfield Forecast
TAFTest, Analyze & Fix
TAFTerminal Adoption Function
TAFTactical Area File
TAFTuberculin Albumose Frei (German)
TAFTruss and Frame (housing/building industries)
TAFThe Austrian Fighters (gaming)
TAFTest Access Frame
TAFTerrassist Foundation
TAFTarget Acquisition FLIR (Forward-Looking Infrared)
TAFTelecine Adjustment Film




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