

单词 paranasal sinuses

paranasal sinuses


Paranasal Sinuses

Paranasal Sinuses


air cavities in the cranial bones that communicate with the nasal cavity by means of narrow canals or fissures.

The maxillary sinus, or antrum of Highmore, is located in the maxillary bone; the opening connecting it to the nasal cavity is situated in the meatus nasi medius. The frontal sinus is located between the membranes of the orbital part and the squama frontalis; it communicates with the nasal cavity by way of the nasofrontal duct, which opens into the anterior part of the meatus nasi medius. The ethmoidal labyrinth consists of two to five or more air cells of varying size and shape. The anterior cells open into the meatus nasi medius, and the posterior cells into the meatus nasi superior. The sphenoidal, or wedge-shaped, sinus is located in the body of the sphenoid bone immediately behind the ethmoidal labyrinth; the anterior wall of each half of the sinus has openings that connect it to the nasal cavity.

The mucous membrane lining of the paranasal sinuses is similar in structure to that of the nasal cavity but is considerably thinner and relatively lacking in vessels and glands. The most common disturbances of the paranasal sinuses are caused by inflammations of their mucosa, or sinusitis, and by traumas.

paranasal sinuses

par·a·na·sal si·nus·es

[TA] the paired air-filled cavities in the bones of the face lined by mucous membrane continuous with that of the nasal cavity; these sinuses are the frontal, sphenoidal, maxillary, and ethmoidal. Synonym(s): sinus paranasales [TA]

par·a·na·sal si·nus·es

(par'ă-nā'zăl sī'nŭs-ĕz) [TA] The paired air-filled cavities in the bones of the face lined by mucous membrane continuous with that of the nasal cavity; these sinuses are the frontal, sphenoidal, maxillary, and ethmoidal.

par·a·na·sal si·nus·es

(par'ă-nā'zăl sī'nŭs-ĕz) [TA] Paired air-filled cavities in bones of face lined by mucous membrane continuous with that of the nasal cavity; frontal, sphenoidal, maxillary, and ethmoidal.

Patient discussion about paranasal sinuses

Q. My 21 year son has chronic sinus issues, I think, due to many high school sports injuries. Help! His ENT has recommended a "nose job" but our insurance will not cover it. Do you know of any holostic, nutritional or homeopathic solutions to keep this under control? When he gets a headache, it shuts him down and normally goes into a migraine.A. One of the best, most inexpensive, ways to prevent, treat, and generally care for any sinus related problem is with a saline (salt water) sinus rinse. The one I use is called "Neil Med" and can be purchased at Walgreen's for about $15. It has a plastic bottle with pre-measured, pre-packaged salt that is should be mixed with cooled off sterilized (boiled) water. If I get an infection, using 2 or 3 packets to concentrate the solution gives the lavage a bacteriostatic (stuns/partially kills bacteria), not bacteriocidal (kills bacteria) quality. I do not own Neil Med although I wish I did!! The lavage method also washes out any dust, old mucous, you name it. It should be used prior to the use of any nasal steroid like Flonase if treating allergic rhinitis. Good luck!!

Q. I have been having chronic pain in sinus area and behind my eyes, been to ENT who states it is not infection? I wake up with the pain and go to sleep in severe pain. Its all day and all night. Dr insists that its migraine related and allergy related. I have chronic postnasal drainage. It started 4 months ago when I moved into our new house. The pain makes me extremely fatigue and dizzy at times. I have been referred to the eye doctor, a headache specialist and an allergy specialist. Just recently I have had a CT scan and an MRI, as well as xrays of my sinus. Nothing other than a deviated septum and possible allergies from an ENT has been diagnosed. In the mean time I am waiting for the days to come when I can get into see these specialist. Anyone out there have any of the same symptoms?? Need help here. Soooooo sick of the pain.A. i have chronic sinusitis and can really relate to what you describe. learned to live with the pain...but still, i use various ways to reduce inflammation in my sinuses, i heat the place up before going to sleep, try to avoid eating or drinking cold stuff.
another thing i do is i heat water (80c) then add a special oil i bought in a chinese medicine store , about 5 drops, and inhale the fumes. nettle tea can do wonders too.

Q. sinus infection and Polups and I can't breath through my nose. What can I do? A. I have used the expresso machine for the steam only and run that through a glass with some vics in it. Helped but the polups are so large now its hard to get any thing through.

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