


(The Physician), a weekly medical journal that was published in St. Petersburg from 1880 to 1901 (from 1901 through 1918 it was called Russkii vrach) and that reflected the problems of all branches of clinical medicine and public and private hygiene, as well as everyday questions of medical life.

Vrach was founded by V. A. Manassein, and one of its tasks was to attract as many physicians as possible who were working in Russia to joint scientific work. Vrach acquainted its readers with important new medical works or preliminary announcements (in the original language or in translation). Works by N. V. Sklifosovskii, P. F. Lesgaft, I. M. Sechenov, V. M. Bekhterev, O. O. Mochutkovskii, and others, as well as a great deal of material contributed by zemstvo (district and provincial assemblies) physicians and rank-and-file military doctors, were published in Vrach.


Levit, M. M. Meditsinskaia periodicheskaia pechat’ Rossii i SSSR (1792-1962). Moscow, 1963.