axis-traction forceps

ax·is-·trac·tion for·ceps

obstetric forceps provided with a second handle so attached that traction can be made in the line in which the fetal head must move in the axis of the pelvis.

axis-traction forceps

n. Obstetrical forceps constructed to allow traction in the line in which the head must move along the pelvic axis.

ax·is-trac·tion forceps

(aks'is-trak'shŭn fōr'seps) Obstetric forceps provided with a second handle so attached that traction can be made in the line in which the head must move in the axis of the pelvis.

axis-traction forceps

An obstetrical forceps fitted with a handle that makes it possible to provide traction in line with the direction in which the head must be moved.See also: forceps