Potato-Sorter Assembly
Potato-Sorter Assembly
a complex of machinery and equipment used for removing foreign matter from machine-harvested potatoes and separating the tubers into small (20–40g), medium (40–80 g), and large (more than 80 g) ones. The USSR produces the KSP-15 sorter assembly. It consists of a receiving bin with a loading conveyor, a roller-type sorter, a3.3-kW (4.5 hp) internal combustion engine for driving the working parts, and a set of portable rails with carts. Containers for the sorted tubers are mounted in the carts. The working parts of the potato sorter assembly may be driven by a tractor’s power takeoff shaft or by a 2.8-kW electric motor. The productivity of the assembly is 15 tons per hour. A sorter assembly used in combination with a harvesting combine completely mechanizes the harvesting of potatoes.