Vyshelesskh, Sergei

Vyshelesskh, Sergei Nikolaevich


Born Oct. 20, 1874, in Obol’, present-day Vitebsk Oblast, Byelorussian SSR (BSSR); died Jan. 14, 1958, in Moscow. Soviet epizootiologist; academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (1928); Honored Scientific Worker of the RSFSR (1940).

Vyshelesskii graduated from the Warsaw Veterinary Institute in 1899. Until 1906 he was occupied with veterinary practice in Byelorussia and Azerbaijan and then devoted himself to scientific and pedagogic activity. Vyshelesskii elaborated many scientific and practical problems of such dangerous diseases of agricultural animals as anthrax, deer plague, swine erysipelas, tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidemic pneumonia of cattle, colibacillosis, and paratyphoid of calves. In collaboration with K. N. Buchnev, Vyshelesskii discovered the causative agent of infectious equine encephalomyelitis. Vyshelesskii’s works in studying glanders in horses served as the basis for the organization of measures to eliminate this infection in the USSR. Vyshelesskii prepared the first textbook and manual of epizootiology in the USSR. He received the State Prize of the USSR (1941) for the text-book Local Epizootiology.


Chastnaia epizootologiia. Moscow, 1935.
Chastnaia epizootologiia. Edited by S. N. Vyshelesskii. Moscow, 1940; 3rd ed., Moscow, 1954.


Kalugin, V. I. Akademik S. N. Vyshelesskii. Moscow, 1954.
Metelkin, A. I.“S. N. Vyshelesskii.” Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1958, no. 11. Page 148.