Paralysis, Tick

Paralysis, Tick


an acute parasitic disease of animals that results from poisoning with a toxin secreted by ticks as they feed on the blood of the host. It affects many species of domestic, agricultural, and wild mammals and birds, most often sheep, cattle, and dogs. It occurs in Australia, Africa, North America, southern Europe, and Asia. The disease is caused by various species of ixodoid and argasid ticks. The quantity and toxicity of toxin in a tick depends on its species, age, and physiological state. Young animals are most sensitive to the toxin.

The first symptoms of the disease are agitation and restlessness. Soon the agitation is replaced by depression, a muscular tremor develops, and pareses and paralyses rapidly develop in the posterior and then the anterior extremities and neck. The disease lasts three to five days and often results in death. Diagnosis is extremely difficult and depends on finding the ticks on the paralyzed animals. No specific treatment has been worked out. Preventive measures are directed toward protecting animals from tick bites.


Galuzo, I. G., and V. N. Kusov. “Paralich kleshchevoi.” In Veterinarnaia entsiklopediia, vol. 4. Moscow, 1973.