Rajasthani Literature

Rajasthani Literature


the literature of the Rajasthanis, a people of India inhabiting the state of Rajasthan. Rajasthani literature dates to the 11th century. In the 15th century two literary languages emerged: Dingal, based on the Marwari dialect, and Pingal, based on the Braj dialect of Hindi. The charans, bhats, and other castes of Rajasthan played a major role in the spread of Dingal by bringing together professional storytellers and singers. Heroic tales that originated during times of feudal civil strife and the struggle against the Mogul Empire were predominant in medieval Dingal poetry. Legends and ballads (raso) that glorified the valor of Rajput warriors became known far and wide. Poetry associated with worship of the god Krishna became well developed in Pingal, and there existed a form of religious drama similar to the folk mystery play. The first examples of prose date to the first half of the 17th century. In the latter part of the 19th century, Braj became the language of Rajasthani poetry and literary Hindi became the language of prose.

Rajasthani literature remained a captive of medieval traditions until 1947. After India became independent, Rajasthani literature received considerable stimulus for development not only in Hindi, which by the early 20th century had become the only language of prose and the most popular language of poetry, but also in the modern Rajasthani language. The short story is developing, the first novels and narratives have appeared, drama is emerging, and more attention is being given to social themes. There is a rich Rajasthani folklore, which includes folk ballads, legends, songs, and tales. Some Rajasthani literary works have become the common property of a number of national literatures in India.


“Radzhastkhanskie narodnye kuplety.” In Vostochnyi al’manakh, fasc. 5. Moscow, 1962.
Sazanova, N. M. “Indiiskii raso-literaturnyi kompleks srednevekovoi Severnoi lndii.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1966, no. 1.
Chernyshev, V. A. “Literatura naroda-voina i sozidatelia.” Prostor, 1972, no. 9.
Menariya, M. Rajasthani bhasa aur sahitya. Allahabad, 1951.
Menariya, P. Rajasthani bhasa ki ruprekha aur manyata kaprasna. Vara-nasi, 1953.
Menariya, P. Rajasthani sahitya ka itihasa. Jaipur, 1968.
Dhola-maru ra duna. Varanasi, 1954.
Bhanawat, N. Rajasthani sahitya: kucch pravrittiyan. Jaipur, 1965.