

单词 utc



abbr. coordinated universal time


abbreviation for (Units) universal time coordinated. See universal time
Noun1.UTC - Greenwich Mean Time updated with leap secondscoordinated universal timeGMT, Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Time, universal time, UT, UT1 - the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhereEarth-received time, ERT - the coordinated universal time when an event is received on Earthtransmission time, TRM - the coordinated universal time when a transmission is sent from Earth to a spacecraft or other celestial bodySCET, spacecraft event time - the coordinated universal time on board the spacecraft; "SCET = TRM + OWLT"



(astronomy) universal time coordinated


Coordinated Universal Time


(Coordinated Universal Time, Temps Universel Coordonné) The international time standard (formerly Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT). Zero hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich, England, which is located at 0 degrees longitude. Everything east of Greenwich (up to 180 degrees) is later in time; everything west is earlier. There are 42 time authorities around the world that are constantly synchronizing with each other. In the U.S., the time authorities are located at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) and the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). See NTP.
MedicalSeeNTPFinancialSeeGreenwich Mean Time


UTCCoordinated Universal Time (zulu or Greenwich Mean Time, GMT)
UTCUnited Technologies Corporation
UTCUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
UTCUniversal Time Coordinated
UTCUtah Technology Council (Salt Lake City, UT)
UTCUniversity Transportation Centers
UTCUncle Tom's Cabin (book by Harriet Beecher Stowe)
UTCUtilities and Transportation Commission
UTCUniversité de Technologie de Compiègne (French engineering school)
UTCunder these conditions
UTCUniform Trust Code (law; trust standardization)
UTCUniversal Time Code
UTCUnited Technologies Company (various locations)
UTCUp the Clarets (fantasy gaming website)
UTCUnicode Technical Committee
UTCUniversity Towne Centre (San Diego)
UTCUniversal Time Coordinate
UTCUniversal Time Conversion
UTCUpper Texas Coast
UTCUnable to Contact
UTCUnable to Comply (ITU-T)
UTCUnited Telecom Council (Washington, DC)
UTCUntil Completion
UTCUniversity Technology Centre (UK)
UTCUtah Technical College (est. 1967)
UTCUniversity Teaching Center (various universities)
UTCUnited Theological College (Bangalore, India)
UTCUnder the Counter
UTCUrban Traffic Control
UTCUp the Creek
UTCUniversal Test Client (IBM)
UTCUnit Type Code
UTCUnit Training Center (US Navy)
UTCUniversal Time Clock
UTCUniversity Training Course
UTCUnder the Cabinet
UTCUnited Tech Corp. (Connecticut)
UTCUnified Technologies Center (Cleveland, OH)
UTCUniversal Time Constant
UTCUnión de Trabajadores del Campo (Spanish: Union of Rural Workers)
UTCUtah Transportation Commission
UTCUni-Traveling Carrier
UTCUnited Trading Company (Nigeria)
UTCUndergraduate Tutorial Center (North Carolina State University)
UTCUnified Testing Criteria
UTCUniversity Teaching Council
UTCUnit Test Case (software development)
UTCUncle Tom Cobley
UTCUrban Transit Club
UTCUtah Technology Commission
UTCUnified Transportation Command
UTCUntil Tomorrow Comes (movie)
UTCUnited Transformer Corporation (now-defunct transformer manufacturer)
UTCChief Utilitiesman (Naval Rating)
UTCUppsala Theory Circle (Sweden)
UTCUser Type Code
UTCUrban Target Complex
UTCUtilities Telecommunication Council
UTCUniversal Time Converted
UTCUnit Tasking Code
UTCUpper Troposphere Cloud
UTCUntil Task Completed
UTCUltimate Tools Catalog
UTCUnique Tracked Component (motors and pumps)
UTCUrgent Target Change
UTCUniversal Time Corporation (Saginaw, MI)
UTCUnited Transportation Corporation (Dearborn, MI)


  • noun

Synonyms for UTC

noun Greenwich Mean Time updated with leap seconds


  • coordinated universal time

Related Words

  • GMT
  • Greenwich Mean Time
  • Greenwich Time
  • universal time
  • UT
  • UT1
  • Earth-received time
  • ERT
  • transmission time
  • TRM
  • SCET
  • spacecraft event time




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