Spruce Run Recreation Area

Spruce Run Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Jersey
Location:In Hunterdon County, off Route 31N, on Van Syckel's Road.
Facilities:67 tent and trailer campsites, flush toilets, showers, picnic areas,group picnic area with shelter, playgrounds, play fields, basketballcourts, food concession, bathhouse, boat launch, boat rentals(seasonal), trails.
Activities:Camping, boating (10 HP limit), canoeing/kayaking, fishing, swimming,sailing, windsurfing, bicycling, in-line skating, cross-country skiing,hunting (waterfowl), ice fishing, ice boating.
Special Features:Surrounded by rolling hills, the park is situated on 1,290-acre Spruce Run Reservoir.
Address:68 Van Syckel's Rd
Clinton, NJ 08809

Web: www.njparksandforests.org/parks/spruce.html
Size: 2,012 acres.

See other parks in New Jersey.