

单词 spruce


spruce 1

S0675100 (spro͞os)n.1. a. Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Picea, having flattened or four-angled needlelike leaves, a conic shape, pendulous cones, and soft wood often used for paper pulp.b. Any of various similar or related trees.c. The wood of any of these trees.2. A grayish green to dark greenish black.
[Short for obsolete Spruce fir, Prussian fir, from Middle English Spruce, Prussia, alteration of Pruce from Anglo-Norman Pruz, from Medieval Latin Prussia.]

spruce 2

S0675100 (spro͞os)adj. spruc·er, spruc·est Neat, trim, and smart in appearance: "a good-looking man; spruce and dapper, and very tidy" (Anthony Trollope).v. spruced, spruc·ing, spruc·es v.tr. To make neat and trim: spruced up the chairs with new slipcovers.v.intr. To make oneself neat and smart in appearance: He was sprucing for the school dance.
[Perhaps from obsolete spruce leather, Prussian leather, from Middle English Spruce, Prussia; see spruce1.]
spruce′ly adv.spruce′ness n.


(spruːs) n1. (Plants) any coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Picea, cultivated for timber and for ornament: family Pinaceae. They grow in a pyramidal shape and have needle-like leaves and light-coloured wood. See also Norway spruce, blue spruce, white spruce, black spruce2. (Forestry) the wood of any of these trees[C17: short for Spruce fir, from C14 Spruce Prussia, changed from Pruce, via Old French from Latin Prussia]


(spruːs) adjneat, smart, and trim[C16: perhaps from Spruce leather a fashionable leather imported from Prussia; see spruce1] ˈsprucely adv ˈspruceness n



n. 1. any evergreen, coniferous tree of the genus Picea, of the pine family, having short angular needle-shaped leaves attached singly around twigs. 2. any of various allied trees, as the Douglas fir. 3. the wood of any such tree. [1350–1400; variant of Pruce < Old French Pruce < Medieval Latin Prussia Prussia]



adj. spruc•er, spruc•est, adj. 1. trim in dress or appearance; neat. v.t. 2. to make spruce (often fol. by up). v.i. 3. to make oneself spruce (usu. fol. by up). [1580–90; perhaps <spruce leather, i.e., leather imported from Prussia (see spruce1)] spruce′ly, adv. spruce′ness, n. spruc′y, adj. spruc•i•er, spruc•i•est.


(spro͞os) Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs that have short, four-sided needles and hanging or drooping cones. Spruces are found chiefly in cooler temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere.
pine, fir, spruce - Pine, fir, and spruce are quite different from each other, though they are all conifers; pine has clusters of long, needle-shaped leaves, spruce is a type of fir, and the only scientific difference between the two is that spruces have rectangular needles while firs have flat, needle-shaped leaves.See also related terms for pine.
Noun1.spruce - light soft moderately strong wood of spruce treesspruce - light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millworkspruce - any coniferous tree of the genus Piceawood - the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
2.spruce - any coniferous tree of the genus Piceagenus Picea, Picea - a genus of temperate and Arctic evergreen trees (see spruce)spruce - light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millworkNorway spruce, Picea abies - tall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous conesBrewer's spruce, Picea breweriana, weeping spruce - medium-sized spruce of California and Oregon having pendulous branchesEngelmann spruce, Engelmann's spruce, Picea engelmannii - tall spruce of Rocky Mountains and British Columbia with blue-green needles and acutely conic crown; wood used for rough lumber and boxesPicea glauca, white spruce - medium-sized spruce of northeastern North America having short blue-green leaves and slender conesblack spruce, Picea mariana, spruce pine - small spruce of boggy areas of northeastern North America having spreading branches with dense foliage; inferior woodPicea obovata, Siberian spruce - tall spruce of northern Europe and Asia; resembles Norway sprucePicea sitchensis, Sitka spruce - a large spruce that grows only along the northwestern coast of the United States and Canada; has sharp stiff needles and thin bark; the wood has a high ratio of strength to weightoriental spruce, Picea orientalis - evergreen tree of the Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchletsColorado blue spruce, Colorado spruce, Picea pungens, silver spruce - tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downwardeastern spruce, Picea rubens, red spruce, yellow spruce - medium-sized spruce of eastern North America; chief lumber spruce of the area; source of pulpwoodconifer, coniferous tree - any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
Verb1.spruce - make neat, smart, or trim; "Spruce up your house for Spring"; "titivate the child"slick up, smarten up, spiff up, spruce up, titivate, tittivatebeautify, fancify, prettify, embellish - make more beautiful
2.spruce - dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion; "He spruced up for the party"slick up, smarten up, spruce upneaten, groom - care for one's external appearance; "He is always well-groomed"
Adj.1.spruce - marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat"jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, dapper, spiffy, dashing, snappyfashionable, stylish - being or in accordance with current social fashions; "fashionable clothing"; "the fashionable side of town"; "a fashionable cafe"


adjective smart, trim, neat, elegant, dainty, dapper, natty (informal), well-groomed, well turned out, trig (archaic or dialect), as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox, soigné or soignée Chris was looking spruce in his black shirt.
messy, untidy, dishevelled, rumpled, bedraggled, unkempt, uncombed, frowsy, disarrayed


adjectiveIn good order or clean condition:neat, orderly, shipshape, snug, spick-and-span, taut, tidy, trig, trim, well-groomed.Chiefly British: tight.Idiom: neat as a pin.verb1. To improve in appearance, especially by refurbishing.Also used with up:fix up, smarten (up).2. To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly.Also used with up:clean (up), clear (up), neaten (up), police, straighten (up), tidy (up).3. To make neat and trim; make presentable.Also used with up:clean (up), freshen (up), groom, neaten (up), slick up, tidy (up), trig (out), trim.


(spruːs) adjective neat and smart. You're looking very spruce today. 整潔漂亮的 整洁漂亮的


(spruːs) noun a tree with leaves like needles that grows in northern regions. 雲杉 云杉spruce up to make oneself or somebody else smarter. I'll go and spruce up before going out. 打扮得漂亮 打扮整齐


all spruced up

Neat and clean. Typically said of something that is or was disorganized or in disrepair. We need to get this house all spruced up before the open house. This place was a wreck the last time I was here. I can't believe you got it all spruced up so quickly!See also: all, spruce, up

spruce up

To make someone, something, or oneself more tidy, refined, elegant, or stylish. A noun or pronoun can be used between "spruce" and "up." I think it's time to spruce the house up a bit—it feels a little outdated and disheveled. You don't look so good! You'd better go spruce yourself up in the bathroom before you go up to give your speech. He's spent the whole summer sprucing up his grandfather's old Camaro.See also: spruce, up

*all spruced up

freshened up; tidied up; cleaned up. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; get someone or something ~.) Let's get the yard all spruced up for spring.See also: all, spruce, up

spruce someone or something up

 1. Lit. to tidy up and groom someone or something. Laura's mother took a few minutes to spruce her daughter up for the party. She spruced up her room each day. 2. Fig. to refurbish or renew someone or something. Do you think we should spruce this room up a little? Yes, let's spruce up this room with new furniture and drapes.See also: spruce, up

spruce up

Make neat and trim, as in She spruced up the chairs with new cushions. This idiom originated in the late 1500s as simply spruce but had acquired up by 1676. See also: spruce, up

spruce up

v. To make someone or something neat, elegant, and stylish in appearance: The new curtains will certainly spruce up this drab room. She spruced herself up and went out to dinner.See also: spruce, up



any plant of the genus Picea, evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Pinaceae (pinepine,
common name for members of the Pinaceae, a family of resinous woody trees with needlelike, usually evergreen leaves. The Pinaceae reproduce by means of cones (see cone) rather than flowers and many have winged seeds, suitable for wind distribution.
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 family) widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. The needles are angular in cross section, rather than flattened as in the related hemlocks and firs. The Norway spruce (P. abies), an important timber tree of Europe, is one of the most commonly cultivated evergreens. The Siberian spruce (P. obovata) grows in coniferous forests (taiga) of Russia and Siberia, the Oriental spruce (P. orientalis) is a major species of S Europe, and the yeddo spruce (P. jezoensis) of Manchuria and Japan is sometimes dwarfed and potted (see dwarf treedwarf tree,
in horticultural practice, a tree artificially kept to a smaller size than is normal for average members of the species. This is usually accomplished either by limiting its root space and food and by careful pruning or by grafting it on the rootstock of a smaller
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). North American spruces used for timber are the red spruce (P. rubens), white spruce (P. glauca), and black spruce (P. mariana) of the East; the Engelmann spruce (P. engelmanii) of the Rocky Mountain forests; and the Sitka spruce (P. sitchensis) of the Pacific forest belt. Numerous spruces are cultivated as ornamentals; the most popular North American garden spruce is the frosty- or silvery-blue-needled Colorado blue spruce (P. pungens). Commercially, spruces are of particular value as a major source of pulpwood for the manufacture of paper. Wood of the various species is usually light, soft, and straight-grained and has been used for interior and exterior construction work, boats, airplanes, and woodenware. The bark is sometimes used for tanning, and some species yield a gum resin. Spruce beer has been made from the young shoots of the red spruce and the black spruce. Native Americans in the West have used spruce gum for caulking, the inner bark for food, and strips of spruce for weaving watertight mats and baskets. Spruce is classified in the division PinophytaPinophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of those organisms commonly called gymnosperms. The gymnosperms, a group that includes the pine, have stems, roots and leaves, and vascular, or conducting, tissue (xylem and phloem).
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, class Pinopsida, order Coniferales, family Pinaceae.


A white to light brown or red-brown, straight and even-grained wood; moderately low density and strength; relatively inexpensive; used for general utility lumber. See also: Masonite



(Picea), a genus of coniferous evergreen trees of the pine family. Spruce is a prevalent forest species. The trunk is straight, and the crown thick and conical. The cones are four-sided, in some cases flattened and sharp, and can be preserved for five to seven years (and in some varieties, nine to 12). The anther microstrobiles are separate and either red or yellow. The pollen has two air sacs. The female cones are woody, drooping, and firmly attached. The seeds have a spoon-shaped wing. The root system of the spruces is superficial. Spruce can thrive in shade and cold winter, but are damaged by late spring and early summer frosts and by soot, factory smoke, and dry air. Spruce trees live 250–300 years (some reach 500 years) and grow on fresh clayey, loamy, and sandy loam soils. Spruce is an ornamental tree.

There are approximately 40 species found in Europe, Asia, and North America; eight grow in the USSR. In the European part from the northern forest boundary to the northern edge of the chernozem soil belt, the Norway spruce (P. abies or P. excelsa) prevails. This species reaches 20–50 m in height and a diameter of up to 1 m. It bears fruit at 15 years in natural growth and at 25–30 years in plantations. The cones grow to a length of 10–15 cm with scales that are rippled at the end. The wood is white, light, and soft; it is used in construction, in paper production, and for making musical instruments. The wood yields tar, pitch, turpentine, rosin, wood vinegar, and tanning substances. Spruce trees are usually cultivated in parks and planted in forest zones and along railroads and roadways.

The Siberian spruce (P. obovata) grows in the northeast European part of the Soviet Union, the Urals, and Siberia. It has smaller cones with solid scales. The Finnish Siberian spruce ‘(P. fennica) grows in northern Karelia; the oriental spruce (P. orientalis) in the Caucasus; the Schrenk spruce (P. schrenkiana), with a bluish coloration to the needles, in the Dzungarian Alatau and Tien-Shan; and the Korean spruce (P. koraiensis) and the flat-needled Yeddo spruce (P. ajanensis) in the Far East.


Flora SSSR, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934.
Derev’ia i kustarniki SSSR, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Gaussen, H. Les Gymnospermes actuelles etfossiles, fasc. 8, ch. 11. Toulouse, 1966.



[sprüs] (botany) An evergreen tree belonging to the genus Picea characterized by single, four-sided needles borne on small peglike projections, pendulous cones, and resinous wood.

spruce, Norway spruce, spruce fir, white deal, white fir

A white to light brown or red-brown, straight- and even-grained wood; moderately low density and strength. Relatively inexpensive; used for general-utility lumber.


1. any coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Picea, cultivated for timber and for ornament: family Pinaceae. They grow in a pyramidal shape and have needle-like leaves and light-coloured wood 2. the wood of any of these trees



(sproos) Any of the evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs of the genus Picea (family Piceaceae), widely found in the Northern Hemisphere. Known side effects of exposure to spruce dusts (e.g., in sawmill workers) include an increased incidence of reactive airways diseases such as asthma. The gum of the spruce is used occasionally in complementary and alternative medicine as an expectorant.


Related to spruce: spruce up
  • all
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for spruce

adj smart


  • smart
  • trim
  • neat
  • elegant
  • dainty
  • dapper
  • natty
  • well-groomed
  • well turned out
  • trig
  • as if you had just stepped out of a bandbox
  • soigné or soignée


  • messy
  • untidy
  • dishevelled
  • rumpled
  • bedraggled
  • unkempt
  • uncombed
  • frowsy
  • disarrayed

Synonyms for spruce

adj in good order or clean condition


  • neat
  • orderly
  • shipshape
  • snug
  • spick-and-span
  • taut
  • tidy
  • trig
  • trim
  • well-groomed
  • tight

verb to improve in appearance, especially by refurbishing


  • fix up
  • smarten

verb to make or keep (an area) clean and orderly


  • clean
  • clear
  • neaten
  • police
  • straighten
  • tidy

verb to make neat and trim; make presentable


  • clean
  • freshen
  • groom
  • neaten
  • slick up
  • tidy
  • trig
  • trim

Synonyms for spruce

noun light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees

Related Words

  • spruce
  • wood

noun any coniferous tree of the genus Picea

Related Words

  • genus Picea
  • Picea
  • spruce
  • Norway spruce
  • Picea abies
  • Brewer's spruce
  • Picea breweriana
  • weeping spruce
  • Engelmann spruce
  • Engelmann's spruce
  • Picea engelmannii
  • Picea glauca
  • white spruce
  • black spruce
  • Picea mariana
  • spruce pine
  • Picea obovata
  • Siberian spruce
  • Picea sitchensis
  • Sitka spruce
  • oriental spruce
  • Picea orientalis
  • Colorado blue spruce
  • Colorado spruce
  • Picea pungens
  • silver spruce
  • eastern spruce
  • Picea rubens
  • red spruce
  • yellow spruce
  • conifer
  • coniferous tree

verb make neat, smart, or trim


  • slick up
  • smarten up
  • spiff up
  • spruce up
  • titivate
  • tittivate

Related Words

  • beautify
  • fancify
  • prettify
  • embellish

verb dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion


  • slick up
  • smarten up
  • spruce up

Related Words

  • neaten
  • groom

adj marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners


  • jaunty
  • natty
  • raffish
  • rakish
  • dapper
  • spiffy
  • dashing
  • snappy

Related Words

  • fashionable
  • stylish




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