Vladislav Damianovich Figelskii

Figel’skii, Vladislav Damianovich


Born June 6, 1889, in Płock, now in Poland; died Jan. 19, 1919, in Tashkent. Participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Middle Asia. Member of the Communist Party from 1917.

The son of an office worker, Figel’skii was expelled from the Gymnasium for taking part in the revolutionary movement in 1905. In 1909 he went to Paris, where he graduated from the mathematics faculty of the Sorbonne (1913) and attended public lectures and debates at which V. I. Lenin spoke. In 1913 he became a schoolteacher in Samarkand. Conscripted into the army in 1915, he conducted revolutionary propaganda among the soldiers; he was discharged for reasons of health.

After the February Revolution of 1917, Figel’skii was engaged in party work in Samarkand. In November (December) 1917 he became a member of the Samarkand soviet and commissar of public education of the district. In June 1918 he became chairman of the Samarkand soviet. In November 1918 he became chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Turkestan ASSR and chairman of the Supreme Military Collegium for the Defense of the Republic. During the counterrevolutionary uprising, Figel’skii was shot; he was one of the 14 Turkestan commissars who perished in the revolt.


Za Sovetskii Turkestan. Tashkent, 1963.
Vechnaia slava. Moscow, 1967.
Zevelev, A. I. “V. D. Figel’skii.” In the collection Revoliutsionery, vozhaki mass. Tashkent, 1967.