Tadeusz Kulisiewicz

Kulisiewicz, Tadeusz


Born Nov. 13, 1899, in Kalisz. Polish graphic artist.

Kulisiewicz studied at the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw from 1923 to 1927 under W. Skoczylas and M. Kotarbinski. In 1946 he became a professor at the Academy of Arts in Warsaw. For many years he lived in Szlembark, where he executed lapidary, highly dramatic woodcuts built on chiaroscuro contrasts depicting scenes from the life of the mountaineers (the Szlembark series, 1931). His pen-and-ink drawings (since 1945) are distinguished by a humane quality and an expressive and graceful linear rhythm, combining concrete motifs and momentary impressions with profound and socially significant images, for ex-ample, the series Warsaw, 1945 (1945-46) and India (1956, National Museum, Warsaw). Kulisiewicz received the State Prize of the Polish People’s Republic in 1952 and again in 1955.


Tananaeva, L. Tadeush Kulisevich. Moscow, 1965.