Tadeusz Kotarbintski
Kotarbińtski, Tadeusz
Born Mar. 31, 1886, in Warsaw. Polish philosopher and logician. President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1957–62).
Kotarbiński graduated from the University of L’vov in 1912. He was a professor at the University of Warsaw from 1919 to 1961, becoming chairman of the subdepartment of logic in 1951. During the fascist German occupation he taught in the underground university. Kotarbinski belonged to the L’vov-Warsaw school of logic. From 1945 to 1949 he was rector of the University of Łódz. In 1927 he was elected chairman of the Polish Philosophical Society. Kotarbinski wrote many works on the theory of knowledge, logic, the methodology of science, ethics, and praxeology, the logical theory of action that he developed. His works have played an important role in promoting the study of philosophy and logic in Poland. He is a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958).
Elementy teorii poznania, logiki formalnej i metodologii nauk, 2nd ed. Wroclaw, 1961.Z zagadnień ególnej teorii walki. Warsaw, 1938.
Traktat o dobrej robocie, 2nd ed. Wroclaw-Warsaw, 1958.
Sprawnośc i btą, 3rd ed. Warsaw, 1960.
Wybór pism, vols. 1–2. Warsaw, 1957–58.
In Russian translation:
Izbr. proizv. Moscow, 1963.