parafollicular cells

C cell

1. a cell of the pancreatic islets of the guinea pig;
See also: medullary carcinoma of thyroid. Synonym(s): gamma cell of pancreas
2. calcitonin-secreting round or spindle shaped follicular thyroid cell; ultrastructurally contains numerous 60-550 nm neuroendocrine granules; best identified immunohistochemically with antibodies to calcitonin. Synonym(s): light cells of thyroid, parafollicular cells

par·a·fol·lic·u·lar cells

(par'ă-fŏ-lik'yū-lăr selz) Cells present between follicles or interspersed among follicular cells; they are rich in mitochondria and are believed to be the source of thyrocalcitonin.