triangular ridge

cris·ta tri·an·gu·la·ris

[TA] a crest or ridge that extends from the apex of a cusp of a premolar or molar tooth toward the central part of the occlusal surface. Synonym(s): triangular ridge [TA], triangular crest

tri·an·gu·lar ridge

(trī-ang'gyū-lăr rij) [TA] An elevation that descends from the cusp tips of premolars and molars toward the central grooves and fossae of the crown.

cris·ta tri·an·gu·la·ris

(kristă trī-anggyū-lāris) [TA] Crest or ridge that extends from apex of a cusp of a premolar or molar tooth toward central part of occlusal surface.
Synonym(s): triangular ridge [TA] , triangular crest.