Rod, Édouard

Rod, Édouard


Born Apr. 31, 1857, in Nyon, Switzerland; died Jan. 29, 1910, in Grasse, France. Swiss author writing in French.

From 1878, Rod lived in Paris. An adherent of naturalism, he wrote intimately psychological novels and short stories that revealed his pessimistic outlook. He is also the author of literary critiques.


Là-haut. Paris, 1897.
La Seconde Vie de Michel Teissier [15th ed.] Paris, 1912.
Stendhal, 4th ed. Paris, 1921.
La Vie privée de Michel Teissier, 2 1 st ed. Paris, 1930.
In Russian translation:
Voprosy zhizni. Moscow, 1894.
Potok. Moscow, 1903.
Svobodnyi brak. [Moscow, 1910.]


Shepelevich, L. Iu. Nashi sovremenniki. St. Petersburg, 1899. Pages 61–86.
Roz, F. E. Rod. Paris, 1906.
Weil, J. E. Rods Weltanschaung in ihrer Entwicklung dargestellt nach seinen Romanen. Berlin, 1912.
Weidmann, M. Versuch über den Stil E. Rods. Zürich, 1942.