

单词 slf



(Super Low Frequency) See frequency bands.


SLFSuper Low Frequency (30-300 Hz; 10,000-1,000 km)
SLFSenior Living Facility
SLFSaalfeld (German city auto license plate)
SLFSun Life Financial (various organizations)
SLFStatens Landbruksforvaltning (Norwegian Agricultural Authority)
SLFSuperior Longitudinal Fasciculus (neurons)
SLFSveriges Läkarförbund
SLFSamuel Lawrence Furniture (est. 1973; High Point, NC)
SLFSecurities Lending and Financing
SLFSlip Line Field
SLFShuttle Landing Facility
SLFScottish Learning Festival (UK)
SLFStiff Little Fingers (punk rock band)
SLFSubsystem Logging Facility
SLFSwiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (also seen as SFISAR)
SLFStraight Level Flight (aviation)
SLFSustainable Living Foundation (Melbourne, Australia)
SLFSenior Living Foundation (American Foreign Service)
SLFSounds Like Fun
SLFSoutheastern Legal Foundation
SLFSanitary Landfill
SLFSpecial Landing Force
SLFSpecial Liquidity Facility (finance)
SLFSingle Latin Female
SLFSlum Level Federation (India)
SLFStudent Leadership Forum (various locations)
SLFSustainable Livelihoods Framework
SLFSingapore Labour Foundation
SLFSeattle Liberation Front
SLFSubscription Locator Function
SLFSpecial Lady Friend
SLFStandard Linear Format
SLFSidama Liberation Front
SLFSelf Loading Freight (aircrew slang for passengers)
SLFSeat Load Factor
SLFSeamless Flow (sinks)
SLFSatterfield Law Firm, PLC (Arkansas)
SLFShredded Light Fraction
SLFSynthetic Living Fibre (fly fishing)
SLFSewa Lanka Foundation
SLFSenior Level Forum
SLFSimulated League Football (Australia)
SLFSleigh Landing Facility (during the holidays; NASA)
SLFStraight-Line Frequency
SLFSymbol List File
SLFScalability Logger Format
SLFSign Language Festival
SLFSafety Level Requirement
SLFSveriges Lantmätarförening
SLFSexual Liberation Front
SLFSatan Loves Fusion (jazz metal band)
SLFSpouse-Like Friend
SLFSpecial Lending Facility (US government)
SLFSaturday LAN (Local Area Network) Fever (gaming clan)




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