Acronym | Definition |
SLF➣Super Low Frequency (30-300 Hz; 10,000-1,000 km) |
SLF➣Senior Living Facility |
SLF➣Self |
SLF➣Saalfeld (German city auto license plate) |
SLF➣Sun Life Financial (various organizations) |
SLF➣Statens Landbruksforvaltning (Norwegian Agricultural Authority) |
SLF➣Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (neurons) |
SLF➣Sveriges Läkarförbund |
SLF➣Samuel Lawrence Furniture (est. 1973; High Point, NC) |
SLF➣Securities Lending and Financing |
SLF➣Slip Line Field |
SLF➣Shuttle Landing Facility |
SLF➣Scottish Learning Festival (UK) |
SLF➣Stiff Little Fingers (punk rock band) |
SLF➣Subsystem Logging Facility |
SLF➣Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (also seen as SFISAR) |
SLF➣Straight Level Flight (aviation) |
SLF➣Sustainable Living Foundation (Melbourne, Australia) |
SLF➣Senior Living Foundation (American Foreign Service) |
SLF➣Sounds Like Fun |
SLF➣Southeastern Legal Foundation |
SLF➣Sanitary Landfill |
SLF➣Special Landing Force |
SLF➣Special Liquidity Facility (finance) |
SLF➣Single Latin Female |
SLF➣Slum Level Federation (India) |
SLF➣Student Leadership Forum (various locations) |
SLF➣Sustainable Livelihoods Framework |
SLF➣Singapore Labour Foundation |
SLF➣Seattle Liberation Front |
SLF➣Subscription Locator Function |
SLF➣Special Lady Friend |
SLF➣Standard Linear Format |
SLF➣Sidama Liberation Front |
SLF➣Self Loading Freight (aircrew slang for passengers) |
SLF➣Seat Load Factor |
SLF➣Seamless Flow (sinks) |
SLF➣Satterfield Law Firm, PLC (Arkansas) |
SLF➣Shredded Light Fraction |
SLF➣Synthetic Living Fibre (fly fishing) |
SLF➣Sewa Lanka Foundation |
SLF➣Senior Level Forum |
SLF➣Simulated League Football (Australia) |
SLF➣Sleigh Landing Facility (during the holidays; NASA) |
SLF➣Straight-Line Frequency |
SLF➣Symbol List File |
SLF➣Scalability Logger Format |
SLF➣Sign Language Festival |
SLF➣Safety Level Requirement |
SLF➣Sveriges Lantmätarförening |
SLF➣Sexual Liberation Front |
SLF➣Satan Loves Fusion (jazz metal band) |
SLF➣Spouse-Like Friend |
SLF➣Special Lending Facility (US government) |
SLF➣Saturday LAN (Local Area Network) Fever (gaming clan) |