post partum

post partum

 [pōst″ pahr´tum] (L.) after childbirth.

Patient discussion about post partum

Q. How do I know if I have Postpartum Depression and how can I get help? Hi everyone. I’m Lesa Elba 27 yrs old. I gave birth to a beautiful female baby 3 months before. I had depression before I had her and now I think I have postpartum. How do I know if I have Postpartum Depression and how can I get help?A. if you feel you are not enjoying things you usually do, if you sit in a gloomy state at home, apathy to your child and maybe even wanting to harm him and you ,overwhelming fatigue, insomnia,loss of appetite. all this can lead to Postpartum depression. but there's also a normal phenomenon that is called "the baby blues" which last a few days or weeks. that looks the same but also shows mood swings and lighter symptoms then Postpartum depression.

Q. How to help someone with depression after pregnancy? My sons friend just had a baby (week old). Already the girlfriend is in major depression and refuses to take her medication. The man is afraid to leave the baby, what should he do? A. After years of making myself and my family crazy, I got some goats and learned how critical minerals are to the normal functioning of bodies and brains. Did you know even goats can get PPD? Well I didn't either but found the solution was an adequate supply of minerals.
I have come to understand most brain disorders have everything to do with a lack of copper. With all our modern technology and artificial fertilizers and processing of foods, the food has become so depleted of minerals that our bodies and brains have become so depleted that we cannot even function properly. Start taking kelp, calcium magnesium, cod liver oil, flax seed oil, and raw apple cider vinegar. This will bring healing and normal function to the brain and body systems. The emotions will calm down and be more manageable. If you are taking a vitamin with more manganese than copper it will add to the dysfunction. Don't waste your money.

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