Spring Mill State Park

Spring Mill State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:3 miles east of Mitchell at 3333 State Road 60 East.
Facilities:187 campsites with electricity, restrooms, showers, 36 primitivecampsites, youth tent camping areas, camp store, inn accommodations(Spring Mill Inn), restaurant (open to all park visitors), meeting andconference facilities, picnic areas with shelters, hiking trails,swimming pool, historic sites, naturecenter, naturalist services.
Activities:Camping, swimming, volleyball and other games, fishing, icefishing, boating (electric motors only), hiking, cave exploration, boatrides into Twin Caves, interpretive programs.
Special Features:A memorial to Virgil I "Gus" Grissom is adjacent to the park gate,with a museum that houses the Gemini space capsule and space suit alongwith other items related to both Grissom's life and NASA. Other specialfeatures of the park include a restored Pioneer Village with awater-powered grist mill; and a cave ecosystem with northern blind cavefish, an endangered species.
Address:Box 376
Mitchell, IN 47446

Web: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/properties/park_springmill.html
Size: 1,319 acres.

See other parks in Indiana.