papular mucinosis

li·chen myx·e·de·ma·to·'sus

a lichenoid eruption of papules on the upper body of mucinous edema due to deposit of glycosaminoglycans in the skin and fibroblast proliferation, in the absence of endocrine disease. Monoclonal gammopathy is often present.
See also: scleromyxedema.
Synonym(s): papular mucinosis

li·chen myx·e·de·ma·to·sus

(lī'ken miks'ĕ-dē'mă-tō'sŭs) A lichenoid eruption of papules or plaques of mucinous edema due to deposits of glycosaminoglycans in the skin and fibroblast proliferation, in the absence of endocrine disease.
Synonym(s): papular mucinosis.

papular mucinosis

(păp′yă-lĕr mū-sĭ-nō′sĭs) A rare rash of unknown cause, in which mucin deposits are found in the dermis, creating a bumpy (papular) eruption often found on the face or arms. The condition is often associated with lesions of the internal organs and the presence of paraproteins in the bloodstream.