Billroth II operation

Bill·roth II op·er·a·tion

(bil'rōt), excision of the pylorus and antrum with closure of the cut ends of the duodenum and stomach, followed by a gastrojejunostomy.

Billroth II operation

A surgical procedure consisting of an antretomy followed by side-to-side anastomosis of the greater curvature of the stomach to the first part of the jejunum.
Medically refractory gastric ulcers, trauma, stomach cancer.

Billroth II operation

Billroth II anastomosis Surgery A procedure consisting of subtotal gastrectomy and gastroenterostomy linking the gastric pouch to the jejunum distal to the ligament of Trietz. See Dumping syndrome.

Billroth II operation

Partial gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy. See also: Billroth, Christian A.T.