

单词 triage




[trē′äzh] (medicine) The process of determining which casualties (as from an accident, disaster, military battle, or explosion of nuclear weapons) need urgent treatment, which ones are well enough to go untreated, and which ones are beyond hope of benefit from treatment.



in medieval France the right and custom of lords to allot to themselves a portion of the common lands, usually one-third. Triage, widely practiced in the 18th century, was abolished by the French Revolution.




 [tre-ahzh´] (Fr.) the sorting out and classification of casualties of war or other disaster, to determine priority of need and proper place of treatment.disaster triage in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as establishing priorities of patient care for urgent treatment while allocating scarce resources.triage: emergency center in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as establishing priorities and initiating treatment for patients in an emergency center.triage: telephone in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as determining the nature and urgency of a problem or problems and providing directions for the level of care required, over the telephone. See also telehealth.


(trē'ahzh), 1. Medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority for treatment order. 2. The separation of a large number of casualties, in military or civilian disaster medical care, into three groups: those who cannot be expected to survive even with treatment; those who will recover without treatment; and the highest priority group, those who will not survive without treatment. [Fr. sorting]


(trē-äzh′, trē′äzh′)n. A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. Triage is used in hospital emergency rooms, on battlefields, and at disaster sites when limited medical resources must be allocated.tr.v. tri·aged, tri·aging, tri·ages To sort or allocate by triage: triaged the patients according to their symptoms.


The sorting of patients in A&E according to urgency, separating them in the first instance into majors (immediate, urgent) and minors (standard, non-urgent).


triage, French, sorting Emergency medicine A method of ranking sick or injured people according to the severity of their sickness or injury in order to ensure that medical and nursing staff facilities are used most efficiently; assessment of injury intensity and the immediacy or urgency for medical attention. See Streamlined review. Triage priorities Highest priority Respiratory, facial, neck, chest, cardiovascular, hemorrhage, neck injuries Very high priority Shock, retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal hemorrhage High priority Cranial, cerebral, spinal cord, burns Low priority Lower genitourinary tract, peripheral nerves and vessels, splinted fractures, soft tissue lesions


(trē'ahzh) Medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority for treatment; the separation of a large number of casualties, in military or civilian disaster medical care, into three groups: 1) those who cannot be expected to survive even with treatment; 2) those who will recover without treatment; 3) the highest priority group, those who will not survive without treatment. [Fr. sorting]


A selection process, used in war or disaster, to divide casualties into three groups so as to maximize resources and avoid wastage of essential surgical skills on hopeless cases. In triage, an experienced surgeon sorts cases rapidly into those needing urgent treatment, those that will survive without immediate treatment, and those beyond hope of benefit from treatment. Triage is also used to assign treatment in the event of the appearance of a number of men suffering acute chest pain.


(trē'ahzh) 1. Medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority for treatment. 2. Separation of a large number of casualties, in military or civilian disaster medical care, into three groups: those who cannot be expected to survive even with treatment; those who will recover without treatment; and the highest priority, those who will not survive without treatment. [Fr. sorting]


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  • noun

Words related to triage

noun sorting and allocating aid on the basis of need for or likely benefit from medical treatment or food

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  • sorting




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