Tactical Exercise
Tactical Exercise
one of the basic forms of tactical training; it is used to develop combat teamwork in small and large units of all arms of troops and naval forces and to teach commanders and staffs the procedures involved in organizing and waging battle. In the course of the exercise, tactical missions are carried out on the terrain under conditions maximally approximating those of actual combat.
In the Soviet armed forces tactical exercises are divided into combined-arms exercises (conducted by small and large units) and special tactical exercises (for engineer and signal troops, rear services, and other forces). Combined-arms tactical exercises on the company level and higher usually involve various military procedures related to several types of combat actions. The primary objectives of tactical exercises are to improve the tactical knowledge and practical skills of soldiers and noncommissioned officers with regard to their various combat missions and to provide experience for commanders in organizing battle and controlling units in battle.
Tactical exercises may be carried out with one or two sides. In a two-sided exercise both sides operate in conformity with the organization and tactics of Soviet forces. In a one-sided exercise the enemy is represented by individual soldiers and small units with simulated equipment, controlled targets, and mock-ups following the operating tactics of the probable enemy. A tactical exercise may last for a few hours or several days. During the exercise there may be field fire by units from organic weapons and artillery, aviation bombardment, missile launches, and the like.