Rock Springs Run State Reserve

Rock Springs Run State Reserve

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:In Sorrento, off State Route 46.
Facilities:2 canoe campsites and an equestrian campsite (all primitive), multi-use trails, restroom and shower facility (é).
Activities:Camping, hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, bicycling, wildlife viewing. Swimming is not permitted.
Special Features:Reserve features extensive trails through pine scrub, pine flatwoods,bayheads, hammocks, and swamps, but its most striking natural featureis the spring/run river system that surrounds most of its perimeter.This system is formed from the discharge of several artesian springstogether with the tannic runoff from the surrounding watershed and isaccessible from the hiking trails, but it also creates one of the mostscenic canoe trails in central Florida. (Canoes and kayaks cannot belaunched from within the Reserve, but there are several launchingplaces outside the Reserve.)
Address:c/o Wekiwa Springs State Park
1800 Wekiwa Cir
Apopka, FL 32712

Size: 13,843 acres.

See other parks in Florida.