Utah Lake State Park

Utah Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Utah
Location:3 miles west of Provo, just off I-15.
Facilities:55 campsites, group camp, showers, modern restrooms (é), picnic areas, group pavilion, swimming beach, boat ramps, 30-acre sheltered marina, boat rentals, fishing pier (é), food service, visitor center.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, sailing, kayaking, fishing, ice fishing, swimming.
Special Features:Park features Utah's largest freshwater lake, a 96,600-acre body of water. It is very shallow, averaging about 9 feet in depth.
Address:4400 W Center St
Provo, UT 84601

Web: www.stateparks.utah.gov/park/index.php?id=ULSP
Size: 308 acres. Elevation: 4,500 feet.

See other parks in Utah.