

单词 sld



abbreviation for 1. (Nautical Terms) sailed 2. sealed


abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Britain) Social and Liberal Democratic Party (now the Liberal Democrats)



(Second Level Domain) See Internet domain name.


SLD Last Sale

On a ticker tape, an indication that security significantly increased or decreased in price in a single transaction.


1. Used on the consolidated tape to indicate a transaction that is reported out of sequence. For example, a transaction that occurred earlier in the day may be reported late: IBM.SLD 6s35.2. Used on transaction slips to indicate the side of a trade in which securities are sold. Compare BOT.


SLDSpecial Low Dispersion (glass)
SLDStatute Law Database (UK)
SLDSpecific Learning Disabilities
SLDSojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Democratic Left Alliance, Poland)
SLDStags Leap District (California)
SLDSecond Level Domain
SLDStiff Legged Deadlift
SLDSystem Landscape Directory (SAP)
SLDSliding Door
SLDSchools and Libraries Division (USAC)
SLDSuper Luminescent Diode
SLDSymmetrix Logical Device
SLDSlide File
SLDSystem Landscape Directory
SLDSupplemental Listing Document
SLDStyled Layer Descriptor
SLDState Lands Division (Alabama)
SLDSide Loading Door
SLDService Life Design
SLDSecond Line of Defense
SLDSingle Line Diagram (power system schematic)
SLDState Laboratories Division (Department of Health; Hawaii)
SLDSevere Learning Disability
SLDSuper-Luminescent Diode
SLDStraight Line Diagram (roadway)
SLDSpecific Learning Disorder
SLDSystem Link Designator (US DoD)
SLDSocial and Liberal Democrats (UK political party)
SLDSpecific Language Disability (Dyslexia)
SLDScattering Length Density
SLDSenior Leader Development (US Army)
SLDSource-Level Debugger
SLDSauver le Darfour (French: Save Darfur)
SLDSevere Laziness Disease
SLDService Level Description (Service Level Agreements)
SLDSupercooled Large Drops
SLDSpecial Learning Disability
SLDSingle Lens Digital (cameras)
SLDSonic Layer Depth
SLDSingle Line Drawing
SLDSpiritual Life Director
SLDScheduled Lightpath Demand
SLDSlow Long Distance (training method)
SLDSpeed Limiting Device (automotive; India)
SLDSlow Learning Disability
SLDSuper-Cooled Liquid Droplets
SLDSlavic Language Division (ATA)
SLDSum of Longest Diameters
SLDSimulated Launch Demonstration
SLDStart of Layer Data
SLDSafety Level Days
SLDSherman L Dantzler (Grand Blanc, MI business consulting)
SLDSquare Law Distortion
SLDSquad Leader Display
SLDSierra Legal Defense
SLDSystem Level Diagram
SLDStop Line Detection
SLDSurreptitious Listening Device
SLDSLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) Large Detector (experimental particle physics)
SLDStrategic Layout and Dispersal (US Navy)
SLDSelected Linear, Definite-Clause (logical proofs)
SLDSecreterial Language Diploma (UK)




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