posterior circumflex humeral artery

pos·te·ri·or cir·cum·flex hu·mer·al ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, axillary; course, passes around posterior aspect of surgical neck of humerus, traversing quadrangular space with axillary nerve; distribution, muscles and structures of shoulder joint; anastomoses, anterior circumflex humeral, suprascapular, thoracoacromial, and profunda brachii. Synonym(s): arteria circumflexa humeri posterior [TA], posterior humeral circumflex artery

pos·te·ri·or cir·cum·flex hu·mer·al ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr sĭr'kŭm-fleks hyū'mĕr-ăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, axillary; distribution, muscles and structures of shoulder joint; anastomoses, anterior circumflex humeral, suprascapular, thoracoacromial, and profunda brachii.
Synonym(s): arteria circumflexa humeri posterior, posterior humeral circumflex artery.