Seed Snipes
Seed Snipes
(Thinocoridae), a family of birds of the order Charadriiformes, ranging in size from that of a quail to that of a pigeon. They have short beaks, and their nostrils are covered with leathery opercula for protection against sand during windy periods in the desert. They have long wings and short legs and can fly well and run swiftly. They are found in the high-mountain deserts of the Andes and in Patagonia. They nest on the ground, and the clutch contains four spotted eggs. They eat mainly vegetable matter, primarily the seeds of grasses, and therefore, unlike other Charadriiformes, have a large crop, powerful muscular stomach, and long caecum. There are two genera, Thinocorus and Attagis, each comprising two species: Th. mmicivorus, Th. orbignyanus, A. malouinus, and A. gayi.