subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord

sub·a·cute com·bined de·gen·er·a·tion of the spi·nal cord

a subacute or chronic disorder of the spinal cord, such as that occurring in certain patients with vitamin B12 deficiency, characterized by a slight to moderate degree of gliosis in association with spongiform degeneration of the posterior and lateral columns. Synonym(s): combined sclerosis, combined system disease, funicular myelitis (2) , Putnam-Dana syndrome, vitamin B12 neuropathy

sub·a·cute com·bined de·gen·er·a·tion of the spi·nal cord

(sŭb'ă-kyūt' kŏm-bīnd' dĕ-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn spī'năl kōrd) A disorder of the spinal cord, such as that occurring in vitamin B12 deficiency, characterized by gliosis with spongiform degeneration of the posterior and lateral columns.
Synonym(s): Putnam-Dana syndrome, vitamin B12 neuropathy.