Wailuku River State Park
Wailuku River State Park
Location:Off Waianuenue Avenue, Hilo. The Boiling Pots area is at the end of Peepee Falls Drive; Rainbow Falls is on Rainbow Drive.
Facilities:Scenic overlooks, walking paths.
Special Features:Park features viewpoints of geologic and scenic interest along WailukuRiver. Boiling Pots is a succession of big pools connected byunderground flow or cascades, with waters that roll and bubble as ifboiling. Hexagonal columns that line the pools were formed by the slowcooling of basalt lava. The 80-foot Rainbow Falls is known for therainbow often visible in its mist; legend says that a cave behind thewaterfall was the home of Hina, mother of the demigod Maui.
Address:c/o Hawaii District Office
PO Box 936
Hilo, HI 96721
Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/hawaii.html
Size: 16.3 acres.
See other parks in Hawaii.