Acronym | Definition |
RAF➣Royal Air Force (UK) |
RAF➣Red Army Faction (German terrorist group) |
RAF➣Rote Armee Fraktion (German: Red Army Faction; German terrorist group) |
RAF➣Risk Assessment Form (various organizations) |
RAF➣Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma |
RAF➣Regionally Aligned Forces (orginizational military structure) |
RAF➣Refer A Friend |
RAF➣Resource Allocation Frame |
RAF➣Road Accident Fund (South Africa) |
RAF➣Recorded Announcement Function |
RAF➣Rapid Action Force (India) |
RAF➣Ready Aim Fire (Bristol, PA shooting range) |
RAF➣Resource Allocation Framework (Global Environment Facility) |
RAF➣Right-Arm Fast (cricket; also seen as RF) |
RAF➣Rodez Aveyron Football (French soccer club) |
RAF➣Risk Analysis Framework (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator; Australia) |
RAF➣Raised Access Flooring |
RAF➣Research Aviation Facility (Atmospheric Technology Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research) |
RAF➣Rwandan Armed Forces |
RAF➣Responsable Administratif et Financier (French: Administrative and Financial Officer) |
RAF➣Risk Adjustment Factor |
RAF➣Rien À Foutre (French: Don't Care) |
RAF➣Reste À Faire |
RAF➣Real Ale Festival |
RAF➣Rebel Athletic Fund (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) |
RAF➣Resource Allocation Formula |
RAF➣Recombinant Activated Factor |
RAF➣Reactivity Adjustment Factor |
RAF➣Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (Royal Academy of Pharmacy Spain) |
RAF➣Relative Absorption Factor |
RAF➣Referral Authorization Form |
RAF➣Rigas Autobusu Fabrika (former Latvian bus manufacturer) |
RAF➣Request for Accommodation Form (various organizations) |
RAF➣Rural Advancement Fund |
RAF➣Red Arterial Ferroviaria (Spanish: Arterial Rail Network) |
RAF➣Réunion des Amateurs de Fox-Terriers (French dog club) |
RAF➣Reporting Agents File |
RAF➣Relative Air Flow |
RAF➣Retired Address Finder (USAF) |
RAF➣Resource Allocation Figure |
RAF➣Racial Awareness Facilitator |
RAF➣Rapid Atrial Fibrillation |
RAF➣Réseau Alpestre Francophone (French: Alpine Francophone Network; various locations) |
RAF➣Roleplaying And Fanfiction |
RAF➣Rétro Auto Forum (French: Retro Car Forum) |