Slavici, Ioan

Slavici, Ioan


Born Jan. 18, 1848, in Şiria, Transylvania; died Aug. 17, 1925, in Panciu, Transylvania. Rumanian writer.

Slavici studied in Timişoara, Pest, and Vienna. His first work was the play The Daughter of the Village Elder (1871). From 1884 to 1890 he edited the sociopolitical newspaper Tribuna, which defended the interests of the Rumanian population in Austria-Hungary. In 1894, together with G. Coşbuc and I. L. Caragiale, he founded the literary journal Vatra (The Hearth). In Tribuna, Slavici substantiated the theory of popular realism—literature based on folkloric traditions and on plots drawn from peasant life. Basing himself on this theory, he wrote the numerous short stories and novellas in the collections Short Stories of the People (1881), The Girl Who Dwelt in the Woods (1884), and Short Stories (vols. 1-6, 1892-1926). Slavici’s most important works included the novellas The Lucky Mill (1881) and Hidden Treasure (1896) and the novel Mara (1906). Slavici is the author of memoirs (1924).


Opere, vols. 1-7. Bucharest, 1967-73.
In Russian translation:
Klad; Schastlivaia mel’nitsa. Moscow, 1954.


Marcea, P. loan Slavici. [Bucharest] 1965.
Vatamaniuc, D. loan Slavicişi lumea prin care a trecut. Bucharest, 1968.
Vatamaniuc, D. I. Slavici: Opera literară. [Bucharest] 1970. [23–1614–]