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panniculus Translations
panniculus[pə′nik·yə·ləs] (anatomy) A membrane or layer. panniculus
panniculus [pah-nik´u-lus] (L.) a layer of membrane.panniculus adipo´sus the subcutaneous fat; a layer of fat underlying the corium.panniculus carno´sus a muscular layer in the superficial fascia, well developed in certain animals; represented in humans mainly by the platysma.lay·er (lā'ĕr), [TA] A sheet of one substance's lying on another and distinguishable from it by a difference in texture or color or by not being continuous with it. See also: stratum, lamina. Synonym(s): panniculuspan·nic·u·lus, pl. panniculi (pă-nik'yū-lŭs, -lī) [TA] A sheet or layer of tissue. [L. dim. of pannus, cloth]ThesaurusSeelayer |