panlobular emphysema

pan·lob·u·lar em·phy·se·ma

emphysema affecting all parts of the secondary pulmonary lobule, typically involving the inferior part of the lung and often asociated with a α1-antitrypsin deficiency. Synonym(s): generalized emphysema, panacinar emphysema

panlobular emphysema

Pulmonology Emphysema that is more common in ♀, of relatively early onset–usually in the 4th decade, often associated with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; bronchitis may develop in late-stage disease. See Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema.

pan·lob·u·lar em·phy·se·ma

(pan-lōb'yū-lăr em'fi-sē'mă) Emphysema affecting all parts of the lobules, in part, or usually the whole, of the lungs, and usually associated with α1-antiprotease deficiency emphysema.