Radoje Domanovic
Domanović, Radoje
Born Feb. 4, 1873, in Ovsishte; died Aug. 4, 1908, in Belgrade. Serbian writer. Participant in the struggle of the democratic intelligentsia against the absolutism of the Obrenovič dynasty.
A great Serbian satirist, Domanović in the stories and novellas “I Don’t Understand!” (1898), “The Mark” (1899), and “Stradia” (1902) and in numerous pamphlets ridiculed absolute power, the church hierarchy, and the bourgeois par-ties and exposed the pseudopatriotism of the bourgeoisie and the psychology of the petite bourgeoisie. Making use of the fantastic grotesque and caricatures, Domanović created important artistic types.
In Russian translation:Povesti i rasskazy. (Preface by M. Bogdanov.) Moscow, 1956.
“Stradiia.” Moscow, 1957.
Bogdanov, M. B. “Politicheskaia satira Radoe Domanovicha.” In Literatura slavianskikh narodov, issue 3. Moscow, 1958.Vucenov, D. Radoje Domanović. Belgrade, 1959.