Radlov, Ernest

Radlov, Ernest Leopol’dovich


Born Nov. 20, 1854, in St. Petersburg; died Dec. 28, 1928, in Leningrad. Russian idealist philosopher. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1920).

After graduating from the faculty of history and philology at the University of St. Petersburg, Radlov studied in Berlin and Leipzig. From 1917 to 1924 he served as director of the St. Petersburg Public Library. He was an editor of the philosophy section of the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary and also worked as a teacher. His views were close to the religious and philosophical concepts of V. S. Solov’ev, who was his personal friend. Radlov translated Aristotle’s Ethics into Russian (1908) and edited the first Russian translation of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind (1913).


Etika Aristotelia. St. Petersburg, 1884.
“Ob istolkovanii” Aristotelia. St. Petersburg, 1891.
Uchenie VI. Solov’eva o svobode voli. St. Petersburg, 1911.
Filosofskii slovar’, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1913.
Ocherk istorii russkoi filosofii, 2nd ed. Petrograd, 1920.