Rock Creek State Park

Rock Creek State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:6 miles northeast of Kellogg.
Facilities:200 campsites (@di; 101 with electrical hookups) with modern restrooms,showers, and a playground, picnic areas, open picnic shelter, multi-usetrails, fishing jetty, boat ramp.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, ice fishing, boating, hiking, horsebackriding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, bird watching, hunting.
Special Features:Park is a haven for many species of wildlife, including thousands ofmigrating ducks, and the large concentrations of teal, bluebills, andmallards provide excellent opportunities for birdwatching. At thelake's far north end, the Iowa Department of Natural Resourcesmaintains a game management area open to public hunting in season.
Address:5627 Rock Creek E
Kellogg, IA 50135

Size: 1,697 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.