Tereshchenko, Nikolai

Tereshchenko, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born Sept. 1 (13), 1898, in the village of Shcherbinovka, in what is now Zolotonosha Raion, Cherkassy Oblast; died May 30,1966, in Kiev. Soviet Ukrainian poet.

Tereshchenko studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He published his first works in 1918 and from 1925 to 1934 was editor of the journal Zhyttia i revoliutsiia (Life and Revolution). Tereshchenko was the author of the poetry collections The Laboratory (1924), Chernozem (1925), The Goal and the Limit (1927), Country of Labor (1928), and The Republic (1929). During the war he depicted the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders in the collections The Girl From the Ukraine (1942) and Dawns (1944). He also wrote the collections The Bounteous Earth (1956) and The Human Heart (1962), and Literary Diary (1966).

Tereshchenko translated works of Russian, Byelorussian, and French poets into Ukrainian and published the anthology Constellation of French Poetry (1971).


Tvori, vols. 1–2. Kiev, 1968.
In Russian translation:
Stikhi. Moscow, 1933.
Radugi-dorogi. Moscow, 1959.


Zasenko, O. “Mykola Tereshchenko.” In Ukrains’ki radianski pys’mennyky. fasc. 7. Kiev, 1973.