Velikanov, Mikhail Dmitrievich
Velikanov, Mikhail Dmitrievich
Born Dec. 27, 1892 (Jan. 8, 1893); died July 27, 1938. Soviet military figure; Army commander second class (1937). Member of the CPSU from 1920. Born in the village of Zimino, Riazan’ Province, into the family of a psalmist.
Velikanov was a teacher in a rural district. He fought in World War I and graduated from an ensigns school in 1915. He joined the Red Army in February 1918. Velikanov commanded a company, a battalion, a regiment, and the 1st Brigade of the 24th Iron Division; he fought in battles for the liberation of Simbirsk, fulfilled the duties of commander of the 25th Rifle Division, was commander of the Ufa Group of Forces and chief of the defense of Orenburg, and then commanded the 20th Rifle Division and the main attack force of the Tenth Army in the Egorlykskaia Operation of 1920. After the Civil War, Velikanov held leadership positions. In December 1933 he was appointed commander of troops of the Middle Asian Military District and in June 1937, of the Transbaikalia Military District. Velikanov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and Orders of the Red Banner of the RSFSR and of the Armenian SSR and Azerbaijan SSR.