

单词 abl



An oncogene found in the Abelson strain of mouse leukemia virus; involved in the Philadelphia chromosome translocation in chronic granulocytic leukemia.


A proto-oncogene first identified in mice, which maps to human chromosome 9q34. In chronic myelogenous leukaemia, ABL translocates to chromosome 22, adjacent to the breakpoint cluster region (BCR), forming the Philadelphia chromosome.
This hybrid gene encodes a protein with tyrosine-kinase activity; the normal (non-mutated) c-abl proto-oncogene is critical in normal myelopoiesis as it inhibits myeloid colony formation; it is mutated in 90% of patients with CML, implying that it is an active inhibitor of myeloid clonal expansion; it has been identified in AMLs and ALLs.


An oncogene found in the Abelson strain of mouse leukemia virus and involved in the Philadelphia chromosome translocation in chronic granulocytic leukemia.

Patient discussion about abl

Q. In the future will he with ASD ever be able to live independently? I have a friend who is staying as a paying guest and is being taken care of by all our family members. In the future will he with ASD ever be able to live independently?A. I am very much moved by your deeds.
• Many people with autism do flourish and go on to hold responsible jobs and live independently. Others have the intellectual abilities to be employed but are held back by their inability to adapt socially to the stresses of everyday life.
• The focus of every intervention program for the person with autism should be to work on helping them adapt to living in society. Their quality of life and ability to function is far more important than how they do on an I.Q. test.

Q. Would acupuncture be able to remedy the problem? I am 23 years old and the tendons of my left wrist were damaged due to a very severe accident I had while driving my 2 wheeler 9 years ago. I was a guitarist and loved to play drums, but the accident pretty much ended that and I still have the passion in me but the hand does not allow this. I've been to a couple of doctors and they tried several treatments but nothing really happened. I would love to get back to normal and play my guitar as I have learned it for several years. I am feeling like that my dreams are over and have come to abrupt end. The situation seems to be hopeless and I am scared to undergo a surgery as I lost my trust with the doctors. I, What should I do? Would acupuncture be able to remedy the problem?A. > Yes I feel Chinese acupuncture and massage may help you...my carpal tunnel is going well with acupuncture; I guess yours may be well, not harm in trying. Find someone good though that will be your challenge.

Q. I become quite normal when relaxed but I am not able to do so. I don’t know how to make myself happy? I am a normal person but some of my action due to continuous stress is making me to think as If I am a lunatic. I cannot tolerate the stress and it makes me to drink a lot of alcohol. This takes a lot of energy out of me and I eat heavily. My love for snacks and grilled chicken has increased now and I feel satisfied when I eat them and I feel relaxed too. Sometimes I tend to tear everything near to me and run away. I become quite normal when relaxed but I am not able to do so. I don’t know what to do and how to make myself happy.A. The stress must be controlled or else it will ruin your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. You are eating a lot of junks and alcohol and this will pile up the problem. You must meet a doctor but try my tips before that. Try to go for meditation classes. Go for some sports or exercise. Have a very good sleep as it’s a big buster. Limit on any drugs if you are taking. Think what makes you stressed up. Find a way to solve it. Talk to someone if you cannot find a solution. If no one can suggest you better then meet a doctor for the help.

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