Rocafuerte, Vicente

Rocafuerte, Vicente

(vēsān`tā rōkäfwār`tā), 1783–1847, president of Ecuador (1834–39). Rocafuerte headed (1833) the opposition to Juan José FloresFlores, Juan José
, 1800–1864, president of Ecuador (1830–34, 1839–45), b. Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. A commander under Bolívar in the War of Independence, Flores led (1830) the secession of Ecuador from the Colombian union and became its first
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. Leader of a revolt at Guayaquil (1834), he was defeated and imprisoned, but was released after he and Flores settled their differences. As president he promulgated a new constitution and accomplished many reforms, notably protection of the Native Americans and advancement and secularization of education. Protesting against the clerical policy and dictatorial practices of Flores, Rocafuerte went into exile in 1843.