stylohyoid muscle

sty·lo·hy·oid mus·cle

(stī'lō-hī'oyd mŭs'ĕl) Origin, styloid process of temporal bone; insertion, hyoid bone by two slips on either side of intermediate tendon of digastric; action, elevates hyoid bone; nerve supply, facial.
Synonym(s): musculus stylohyoideus [TA] .

sty·lo·hy·oid mus·cle

(stī'lō-hī'oyd mŭs'ĕl) Origin, styloid process of temporal bone; insertion, hyoid bone by two slips on either side of intermediate tendon of digastric; action, elevates hyoid bone; nerve supply, facial.
Synonym(s): musculus stylohyoideus [TA] .