释义 |
n. pl. | 1. | (Zool.) A division of monotremes which comprises the spiny ant-eaters of Australia and New Guinea. See Illust. under Echidna. |
Tachydromus Tachydromus a genus of reptiles of the order Lacertilia. There are ten species in eastern and southeastern Asia. The reptiles are 20-35 cm long and have very long tails. Their backs are covered with large, ribbed scales and they are predominantly brown or olive in color. Two species are found in the USSR: T. amurensis, in Primor’e Krai, mainly in cedar and broad-leaved forests, and T. wolteri, in the southern part of Primor’e Krai. The reptiles crawl nimbly along the branches of shrubs and trees; they feed mainly on insects. MedicalSeeechidna |