security through obscurity
security through obscurity
(security)Historical note: There are conflicting stories about theorigin of this term. It has been claimed that it was firstused in the Usenet newsgroup in news:comp.sys.apolloduring a campaign to get HP/Apollo to fix securityproblems in its Unix-clone Aegis/DomainOS (they didn'tchange a thing). ITS fans, on the other hand, say it wascoined years earlier in opposition to the incredibly paranoidMultics people down the hall, for whom security waseverything. In the ITS culture it referred to (1) the factthat by the time a tourist figured out how to make troublehe'd generally got over the urge to make it, because he feltpart of the community; and (2) (self-mockingly) the poorcoverage of the documentation and obscurity of many commands.One instance of *deliberate* security through obscurity isrecorded; the command to allow patching the running ITS system(altmode altmode control-R) echoed as $$^D. If you actuallytyped alt alt ^D, that set a flag that would prevent patchingthe system even if you later got it right.