

单词 thp



also t.hp.abbr. thrust horsepower



A gene on chromosome 2q14 that encodes a protein belonging to the C2H2-type zinc finger protein subclass of the Gli family of transcription activators, which mediate Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling. GLI2 localises to the cytoplasm and activates patched Drosophila homolog (PTCH) gene expression, and may play a role in embryogenesis.
Molecular pathology
GLI2 mutations have been linked to Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome, Pallister-Hall syndrome, pre-axial polydactyly type IV and postaxial polydactyly types A1 and B.


THPTennessee Highway Patrol
THPThe Hunger Project (New York, NY)
THPTexas Highway Patrol
THPTexas Holdem Poker
THPTake Home Pay (net wages)
THPTransparent Huge Page (Linux)
THPThrust Horse Power
THPTurbo High Pressure
THPTotal Horse Power
THPThin Provisioning
THPTimber Harvest Plan
THPTransitional Housing Program
THPTomlinson-Harashima Precoding
THPTamm-Horsfall Protein
THPTemporary Housing Program (US FEMA)
THPThe Housing Partnership (New Hampshire)
THPTriad Health Project (North Carolina)
THPThree Hole Punch
THPTake Home Package (lessons learned and recommendations resulting from military exercise)
THPTubing Hanger Pressure (oil production)
THPThe Heavy Pets (band)
THPThrust Horsepower (engine power rating)
THPThe Harman Press (printing company)
THPThe Hackers Paradise (golf website)
THPTraffic Handling Priority
THPTubing Head Pressure (oil/gas wells)
THPTom Hay Printing (Georgia)
THPThe History Press (Ireland and UK)
THPThe Hot Pepper (forum)
THPTexaco Heritage Plaza
THPThermohydrogen Processing
THPTerminal to Host Protocol
THPTerminal Handler Process
THPTotal Hip Precautions
THPTelecommunications Host Processor
THPThe Harlem Project
THPToe Head Posse (Texas)
THPTiempo Hasta la Progresion (Spanish: Time to Progression)
THPTenant Habitability Plan




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