a family of Russian state figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Fedor Fedorovich Trepov. Born 1812; died 1889. Adjutant general (1867); general of the cavalry (1878).
F. F. Trepov served as ober-politsmeister (head of the city police administration) and gradonachal’nik (governor of the city and surrounding area) of St. Petersburg from 1866 to 1878. On his orders the imprisoned revolutionary Bogoliubov (A. S. Emel’-ianov) was flogged. For this act V. I. Zasulich shot and wounded Trepov on Jan. 24,1878.
Dmitrii Fedorovich Trepov. Born Dec. 2 (14), 1855, in St. Petersburg; died there Sept. 2 (15), 1906. Major general (1900). Son of Fedor Fedorovich Trepov.
After graduating from the Corps of Pages, D. F. Trepov joined a life guards unit. In 1896 he became ober-politsmeister of Moscow. Trepov was a supporter of the idea of “police socialism” (seeZUBATOVSHCHINA). He became governor-general of St. Petersburg on Jan. 11, 1905, and in April he assumed the posts of assistant minister of the interior, head of the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior, and commander of the Corps of Gendarmes; he was appointed commandant of Peterhof in October 1905 and commandant of the Winter Palace in November of the same year. On Oct. 14,1905, during the October All-Russian Political Strike of 1905, Trepov ordered the troops “not to fire blanks and not to spare cartridges.” V. I. Lenin called him “one of the most hated servitors of tsarism in the whole of Russia” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 9, p. 238).
Aleksandr Fedorovich Trepov. Born Sept. 18 (30), 1862, in Kiev; died 1928, in Nice. Son of Fedor Fedorovich Trepov.
Upon graduation from the Corps of Pages, A. F. Trepov joined a life guards unit. In 1889 he entered state service. He became an assistant to the chief secretary of a department of the Council of State in 1889, a senator in 1906, and a member of the Council of State in 1914. In August 1915 he was named a member of the Special Conference on Defense, and in October 1915 he became chief administrator of the Ministry of Railroad Transport; he subsequently became the minister of railroad transport. He was appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers on Nov. 10, 1916, but was dismissed on December 27. Trepov left the country as a White émigré after the October Revolution of 1917.